
Gibson, R. (2017, March). Place-based development in rural areas. Presented at Rural Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Development, Bologna, Italy. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2016, November). Talking Governance for Regional Development. Presented at Our Way Forward: Sharing Knowledge and Building Capacity for Regional Development, St Anthony, Newfoundland and Labrador. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2016, October). Investing in Communities. Presented at Presented at the Investing in our Communities, Our Future in Plum Point, Newfoundland and Labrador. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. and Horrocks, L. (2016, October). Facilitating Rural Policy Connections. Presented at Building Vibrant Rural Futures Conference, Guelph, Ontario. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2016, September). New Realities, New Strategies: Moving Rural and Northern Communities Forward. Presented at Culture Shift - Northern Ontario Planning Authorities Workshop, Sudbury, Ontario. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2016, September). Re-embedding Wealth? Place, periphery, and policy. Presented at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development Symposium. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. and Hall, H. (2016, September). Rural Proofing in Canada. Presented at the Growth Analysis Policy Rural Proofing Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden.
Gibson, R. (2015). Rural Revitalization: Intersection of Philanthropy and Rural Development. Presented at the Philanthropy in Rural Nova Scotia Webinar. Hosted by the Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia and the Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2015, September). Rural vibrancy in Nova Scotia: Preliminary analysis of Yarmouth County. Presented at the Building Community Resilience: Innovation, Governance, and Culture in Place, Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
Nakashima, H., & Gibson, R. (2015, September). The collaborative governance conundrum: A preliminary analysis of new regionalism in BC, ON, QC, and NL. Poster presented at the Building Community Resilience: Innovation, Governance, and Culture in Place, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2015, July). Distance, density, and borders: Responding to globalization in the Strait of Belle Isle, Canada. Presented at the 8th Quadrennial Conference of the British, Canadian,
and American Rural Geographers, Aberystwyth, Wales.
Gibson, R. (2015, June). An emerging north compromised by old lines? Cross-border regional development in the Labrador Straits-Québec Lower North Shore Region. Presented at the 2015 Canadian Association of Geographers Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Gibson, R. (2015, May). Can multi-level governance enhance rural development: Experiences from South Kerry, Ireland and Northern Peninsula, Canada. Presented at The Food-Water-Energy-Climate Nexus: An Emerging Challenge for Rural Policy, Memphis, United States. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2015, April). The new rural realities: Wealth, governance, and innovation. Presented at Shift Rural Conference: Connecting with a New Rural Landscape, Halifax, Nova Scotia. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2014). The role of philanthropy and regional development. Presented at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Knowledge Exchange Series, Guelph, Ontario. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2014). Re-imaging rural Manitoba. Presented at the Rural Policy Think Tank, Brandon, Manitoba. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2014). Outside the box but not tripping on the lines: Experiences in northern and rural multi-community collaboration. Presented at the Towards Regional Collaboration Workshop, Blanc Sablon, Québec and L’Anse au Clair, Labrador. pdf_icon
Barrett, J., & Gibson, R. (2014). Fostering rural revitalization through philanthropy. Presented at the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers Conference, St John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2014). New realities, old partners? Experience of ‘new’ rural development initiatives in a peripheral region of Newfoundland and Labrador. Presented at the New Realities, New Relationships Conference, Prince George, British Columbia. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2014). Regional economic development: Models and implications for Manitoba. Presented at Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Speakers Series, Brandon, Manitoba. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2014). Missing key to to rural development? The intersection of philanthropy and regional development in rural Canada. Presented at Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities and Territories, Izmir, Turkey. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., (2014). Translating a sense of place into new geographies of philanthropy? The case of Newfoundland, Canada. Presented at the American Association of Geographers Conference, Tampa Bay, USA. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., & Barrett, J. (2013, October). Fostering sustainable futures for rural communities through philanthropy? Presented at the Rural Canada: Ready to Grow Conference, Thunder Bay, Ontario. pdf_icon
Gibson, R. (2013, August). Who is ready for new governance in rural Canada? Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Conference, St John’s, Newfoundland. pdf_icon
Barrett, J., & Gibson, R. (2013, August). Philanthropy: A saviour to regional development in rural areas? Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Conference, St John’s, Newfoundland. pdf_icon
Brett, L., Daniels, J., Down-Robinson, R., Gibson, R., Noble, T., & Vodden, K. (2013, June). Community Based Research in the Classroom and Beyond (2013, June). Presented at Community-University Expo 2013, Corner Brook, Newfoundland. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., Vodden, K., & Markey, S. (2012, May). Regional governance in the periphery: Lessons learned for rural and regional development policy and practice. Presented at Policy and Research in Community Investment - Rural Research Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., & Vodden, K. (2012, April). Building governance from initiatives of regionalization and inter-municipal collaboration: Experiences in peripheral regions of Newfoundland, Canada. Presented at New Challenges for Local Governance, Lisbon, Portugal. pdf_icon
Annis, R., & Gibson, R. (2012, March). Investing in innovative infrastructure for a stronger and vibrant rural Canada. Presented to the Infrastructure and Stronger Communities Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario.
Gibson, R. (2011, October). Governance at the heart of regional development? An exploratory investigation of rural regional governance initiatives in Newfoundland and Ireland. Poster presented at the Culture, Place and Identity at the Heart of Regional Development, St John’s, NL. pdf_icon
Annis, R., Gibson, R., & Berry, J. (2011, June). Intercultural relations in a prairie city. Presented at the Canadian Psychology Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., & Vodden, K. (2011, April). Rural governance in the periphery: Regional development lessons learned from Canada. Presented at the Regional Development and Policy – Challenges, Choices and Recipients conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom.
Gibson, R., Annis, R., & Berry, J. (2011, April). Understanding welcoming communities and multiculturalism: Implications of intercultural relations in a prairie Canadian community. Presented at Migration: Economic Challenge, Social Change, London, United Kingdom. pdf_icon
Annis, R., Gibson, R., & Berry, J. (2010, October). Intercultural relations in a rural Canadian prairie city. Presented at One/An/Other Conference, Eger, Hungary. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., & Dominaux, G. (2010, October). Exploring regionalism in rural Newfoundland: The case of the Burin Peninsula. Presented at Taking the Next Steps: Sustainability Planning, Policy and Participation for Rural Canadian Communities, Camrose, AB. pdf_icon
Gibson, R., Vodden, K., & Dominaux, G. (2010, October). Exploring regionalism in the Burin Peninsula. Poster presented at On the Bright Side Rural Works, Brandon, MB. pdf_icon
Annis, R., Gibson, R., & Berry, J. (2010, July). Welcoming communities: Intercultural relations in a prairie community. Presented at the Scientific Committee of the 20th International Congress of the International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Gibson, R., Bucklaschuk, J., & Annis, R. (2010, April). Creating a welcoming prairie city through community partnerships: Brandon, Manitoba’s response to temporary foreign workers. Presented at the American Association of Geographers Conference, Washington DC, USA. pdf_icon
Annis, R., Gibson, R., & Bucklaschuk, J. (2010, March). Welcoming communities: A Manitobans perspective with implication for policy, research, and practice. Presented to the Metropolis BC Policy Workshop on Welcoming Communities, Victoria, BC.
Gibson, R., & Annis, R. (2009, March). From serendipity to planned practice. Presented at Frontiers of Canadian Immigration, Calgary, AB. pdf_icon
Annis, R., Beattie, M., & Gibson, R. (2008, July). Collaborative partnerships: The Community Collaboration Story. Presented at Rural Matters: Forging Healthy Rural Community Conference, Edmonton, AB. pdf_icon
Annis, R., Bucklaschuk, J., Moss, A., & Gibson, R. (2008, March). Temporary migration and regional economic development: A case study of Brandon, MB. Presented at the Policy Research Seminar on Temporary Migration, Ottawa, ON.
Annis, R., Chan, Y., Gibson, R., Greenwood, R., Reimer, B., & Ryser, L. (2008, October). Exploring the role of university research centres in knowledge mobilization, rural capacity building, and community engagement. Presented at Knowledge in Motion, St John’s, NL. pdf_icon
Annis, R., & Gibson, R. (2008, July). Aboriginal peoples in Canada: Demographic profile, policies, and self governance. Presented at the International Comparative Rural Policy Studies Summer Institute, Columbia, USA.
Annis, R., Gibson, R., Bollman, R., Jean, B., & Pack, D. (2008, November). The Canadian perspective: Comparative policy initiatives. Presented at the International Comparative Rural Policy Forum, Puebla, Mexico. pdf_icon
Bucklaschuk, J., Moss, A., & Gibson, R. (2008, June). Temporary migration in rural areas: The case of ‘transitional’ foreign workers in Brandon, Manitoba. Presented at the Boom Bust Economies: Impact on Rural and Remote Communities, Inuvik, NT. pdf_icon